Illustration of 2 people walking down a pink road between yellow, orange, and purple mountains, with a purple sun floating above
Illustration of 2 people walking down a pink road between yellow, orange, and purple mountains, with a purple sun floating above
Illustration of 2 people walking down a pink road between yellow, orange, and purple mountains, with a purple sun floating above

Working Together To Increase Access

The success of many RHSC programs depends upon transferring sexual and reproductive knowledge and skills. We are looking to partner with independent clinics, health care networks and current abortion providers who are willing to host new learners and experienced providers — so they, too, can offer competent care throughout California. We are grateful to the Midwest Access Project and the National Abortion Federation for sharing their expertise and commitment to training with RHSC.

The success of many RHSC programs depends upon transferring sexual and reproductive knowledge and skills. We are looking to partner with independent clinics, health care networks and current abortion providers who are willing to host new learners and experienced providers — so they, too, can offer competent care throughout California. We are grateful to the Midwest Access Project and the National Abortion Federation for sharing their expertise and commitment to training with RHSC.

The success of many RHSC programs depends upon transferring sexual and reproductive knowledge and skills. We are looking to partner with independent clinics, health care networks and current abortion providers who are willing to host new learners and experienced providers — so they, too, can offer competent care throughout California. We are grateful to the Midwest Access Project and the National Abortion Federation for sharing their expertise and commitment to training with RHSC.

The success of many RHSC programs depends upon transferring sexual and reproductive knowledge and skills. We are looking to partner with independent clinics, health care networks and current abortion providers who are willing to host new learners and experienced providers — so they, too, can offer competent care throughout California. We are grateful to the Midwest Access Project and the National Abortion Federation for sharing their expertise and commitment to training with RHSC.

why host a learner?

California is leading the way in ensuring reproductive healthcare access for all. Become a vital part of this movement by hosting learners committed to providing comprehensive reproductive healthcare, including abortion services. Help us build a skilled and diverse workforce to meet the needs of our communities.

Expand Access

Expand Access

Help bridge critical gaps in reproductive healthcare services in underserved areas across California.

Invest in the Future

Invest in the Future

Mentor and shape the next generation of compassionate and skilled providers.

Grow Your Team

Grow Your Team

Potentially discover talented individuals for future recruitment into your practice.

Community Impact

Community Impact

Make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals throughout your community.

What We Offer

The RHSC provides the necessary tools to host a learner with ease.

Vetted Learners

We carefully match learners with your clinic's needs and focus, including RNs, CNMs, PAs, NPs, MDs, and other healthcare professionals.

We carefully match learners with your clinic's needs and focus, including RNs, CNMs, PAs, NPs, MDs, and other healthcare professionals.

Funding Support

Explore funding opportunities to ease the financial aspects of hosting a learner.

Explore funding opportunities to ease the financial aspects of hosting a learner.

Malpractice Coverage

We assist with malpractice insurance considerations.

We assist with malpractice insurance considerations.

Logistical Guidance

Receive support with onboarding, scheduling, and other practical aspects of hosting a learner.

Receive support with onboarding, scheduling, and other practical aspects of hosting a learner.

Training Resources

Access optional training materials and guidance to enhance your site's educational experience.


Please join us to expand access throughout California. If you are interested in offering training at your clinic site for register nurses (RNs), certified nurse-midwives (CNMs), physician Assistants (PAs), nurse practitioners (NPs), or medical doctors (MDs), please contact us. We can connect you with students, residents, fellows and existing providers who are eager to train and integrate these skills into practice.

Training The Entire Healthcare Team

© 2024 Reproductive Health Service Corps. All rights reserved.

Website by lover studio.

Training The Entire Healthcare Team

© 2024 Reproductive Health Service Corps. All rights reserved.

Website by lover studio.

Training The Entire Healthcare Team

© 2024 Reproductive Health Service Corps. All rights reserved.

Website by lover studio.

Host a learner

In the face of challenges to reproductive rights, California has launched the Reproductive Health and Services Corps (RHSC) to safeguard and enhance access to reproductive healthcare.

Working Together To Increase Access

Host a learner

In the face of challenges to reproductive rights, California has launched the Reproductive Health and Services Corps (RHSC) to safeguard and enhance access to reproductive healthcare.

Working Together To Increase Access