reproductive health service corps
We are uplifting and training a new generation to ensure access to essential reproductive healthcare across California.
what we do
The RHSC consortium develops and implements evidence-based abortion care training programs and strategies with a reproductive justice lens for the entire team of health care professionals.
Each partner has a unique and customized patient-centered care approach to integrating abortion curriculum with local partners and institutions for different types of learners and existing providers.
find Scholarships
Did you know California offers scholarships and loan repayment options to many health care professionals — from EMTs, to doulas, to midwives, and more? Learn about cyclic funding here.
Host A Learner
Join us, and offer your skills, as we prepare the next generation of providers. Funding available for clinics and practices ready to share their expertise.
Get Trained
Looking for a training pathway? Learn about current opportunities and those under development.
Integrate Abortion
Into Your Practice
Need help with the nuts and bolts of how to integrate abortion services? We can help.
How RHSC Is Making A Difference
The Reproductive Health Service Corps (RHSC) strengthens and diversifies the entire reproductive health care workforce to better serve all communities in California.
Committed to reproductive justice, the RHSC is responsible for training certified nurse-midwives, community health workers, doulas, licensed midwives, licensed vocational nurses, medical assistants, nurse practitioners, paramedics, physician assistants, physicians, and registered nurses. Pharmacists have secured additional state funding outside of this consortium.
in the News
California is investing in preparing health care providers for a world post-Roe, along with other states and universities. We are honored to lock arms and join the innovators.